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Treating back pain after a workplace accident

On Behalf of | Apr 9, 2018 | Workers' Compensation |

A common result of a being in a workplace accident or just doing daily job tasks is suffering from a back injury. Back injuries can occur regardless of the industry you work in, so whether you sit in an office, drive a truck or work in a hospital, you need to be familiar with the causes, treatment and prevention of injury to your back.

While lower back pain may be most prevalent, the damage can also be in the spine or neck in the form of a sprain, strain or disc hernia. These injuries are often the result of lifting incorrectly or repeatedly, sitting for long periods of time, experiencing constant vibrations, or slipping and falling. Age, health and certain physical movements (such as twisting) are also risk factors for hurting your back, reveals OSHA.

General treatment for back pain entails different forms of physical therapy, medication and chiropractic care. Surgery is only necessary in extreme cases. As all of these methods come with high bills, it is important that you take the proper steps in filing a workers’ compensation claim so you can afford the care and receive lost income, which in turn will improve your recovery.

Making changes at your place of employment is another key part of healing and preventing further damage to your back. These changes include the following:

  • Taking short breaks or alternating tasks during work
  • Having help in doing job duties
  • Lifting things properly
  • Making your workstation more ergonomic
  • Changing your body position frequently

You may have to change your lifestyle, as well. Strengthen your body through regular exercise, good nutrition and sufficient sleep. If you are a smoker, now is the time to quit because smoking decreases the flow of blood to your lower spine and contributes to pain from coughing. Mindfulness, a type of meditation that increases self-awareness and self-compassion, has also proven to be effective in managing and reducing pain.

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