A Local Firm,

A World Of Experience.

Attorneys Deborah K. Dodge and Cheryl P. Hom

Texting And Driving Is A Real Problem

The cell phone has given us the freedom to leave our home and office and communicate without having to be chained to outlets. Unfortunately, some people exercise this freedom in a less-than-responsible manner by choosing to text, tweet, update their Facebook status, email, surf the internet, and watch videos (among other things) while driving.

In 2011, 23% of automobile collisions involved cell phones in some way. The minimal amount of time a driver’s attention is diverted from the road while looking at their cell phone is a little less than 5 seconds. If the driver is traveling at 55 mph, he or she travels the length of a football field without looking at the road. Eleven teens die EVERY DAY because of texting and driving. It’s because of these texting and driving statistics that the National Highway Transportation Board considers texting and driving six times more dangerous than driving while intoxicated.

Were You Harmed By A Distracted Driver?

Distracted driving in any form is driving with the potential to cause serious harm to you and your loved ones. The car accident attorneys of Hall Ansley know what it takes to win distracted driving cases and give you the justice you deserve. Our attorneys work with forensic professionals with the expertise to locate and time the electronic interactions of a distracted driver that could be the key to a successful recovery.

Unfortunately, we cannot be there to prevent the seemingly endless barrage of potential distractions to a negligent driver, but we can be there to help you when someone else makes the choice to put you or the ones you love in harm’s way.

Call Us Today

Our firm represents clients in Southwestern and Central Missouri. Call us at 417-429-1372 or contact us by email for a free consultation.

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