A Local Firm,

A World Of Experience.

Attorney Deborah K. Dodge

Fighting For Compensation After Birth Injuries

Bringing new life into the world is the most rewarding event of one’s life. But in many cases, pregnancy turns tragic when doctors and nurses fail to recognize stress or other signs that the pregnancy isn’t going as planned. Many birth injuries occur as a result of doctors refusing to schedule the mother for a timely C-section. Other birth injuries result from situations where the labor process did not exactly follow protocol, and the doctor caused injury during the birthing process.

When medical negligence results in a birth injury, it is important to assess the full cost to the child and the family. For example, pain and suffering and loss of enjoyment of life may be significant components in a medical malpractice claim. At Hall Ansley, P.C., we are committed to maximizing the quality of the victim’s life and that of the family.

To set up a free consultation with an experienced medical malpractice lawyer, call us in Springfield at 417-429-1372 or complete our online contact form. We represent families throughout Missouri. Our attorneys and medical experts can evaluate the medical care provided to both mother and child.

Decades Of Experience On Your Side

At Hall Ansley, our personal injury lawyers have been representing birth injury victims and families throughout Southwestern and Central Missouri for more than 25 years. In that time, we have seen all manner of birth injuries, including cases of shoulder dystocia (Erb’s palsy), cerebral palsy, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy and skull fractures. Please take a moment to review our medical malpractice case results page for more information on birth injury cases that our firm has successfully handled.

Supporting Camp Barnabas

Hall Ansley proudly supports Camp Barnabas, a camp for children and young adults of all ages. We understand that children with disabilities just want to be kids. We also understand a family’s need for time to recharge and renew. For more information, go to www.campbarnabas.org.

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