Find The Personal Injury Attorney You Need
One mistake in the handling of a personal injury claim can lead to you getting insufficient compensation to cover medical bills and other costs, or to you getting no compensation at all. You can avoid mistakes by choosing a personal injury lawyer with decades of experience handling cases like yours. You can find that lawyer at Hall Ansley in Springfield, Missouri.
Full Compensation For Serious Injuries
Our attorneys will work hard to make certain you get all the compensation you need. We have the skill to handle even the most serious injury cases. These are cases that involve life-changing injuries that may require a lifetime of medical care. Often the injured individual may not be able to return to work for a long time, if ever. These cases involve injuries such as:
- Head or brain injuries
- Spinal cord injuries
- Amputation injuries
- Burn injuries
We also help families that have lost loved ones due to wrongful death.
What Type Of Negligence Caused The Injury?
Our experience means we are prepared to handle complex and challenging cases involving:
- Car accidents
- Semitruck accidents
- Defective products
- Accidental firearms-related injuries or death
- Medical malpractice
- Dangerous property conditions
- Slip-and-fall accidents
- Construction accidents
We have the resources to properly develop your accident injury claim. We have access to leading experts in medicine, accident investigation and other fields. We will attempt to negotiate with the insurance company, but we will also prepare your case for trial. We are trial lawyers, ready to fight for you in front of a judge and jury. Our record of results proves it.
Free Consultation
Unlike some law firms, our free consultations actually include a real attorney — not just a paralegal. Call 417-429-1372 or contact us via email.
Personal injury cases are handled on a contingency basis, which means you pay nothing unless we are successful in recovering compensation for you.