In today's workforce, women encounter various hurdles that can hurt their professional growth and success. These challenges persist in many different workplaces, creating a need for awareness and fair compensation. Understanding the unique issues women face in...
4 common ways employers violate FMLA laws
The Family and Medical Leave Act is an important federal law designed to protect employees' rights when they need time off for medical or family-related reasons. However, some employers may inadvertently or deliberately breach these regulations. 1. Inadequate...
What does age discrimination look like in the workplace?
Despite the protections in place for prevention, age discrimination persists in today’s work environments. The subtlety of some discriminatory actions can leave many workers uncertain about what they perceive. Age discrimination manifests in various forms....
5 examples of pregnancy discrimination at work
As an expectant mother, you face many unknowns. What will the birth be like? Whose features will the baby have? How much sleep will you get after the baby is here? While anticipating the answers to all of these questions, you should not face unknowns regarding your...
Identifying age discrimination in the workplace
There are many types of discrimination that occur in the workplace, including that based on sex, race and religion. Age discrimination is another type and is sometimes ignored, either because people are unaware that it qualifies as inequity or because people assume...
Top 5 employment law violations in Missouri
Employment laws guide the relationship between employees and employers by establishing clear boundaries for lawful behavior. Understand employment laws to protect your rights as an employee and address any potential violations. There are five common employment law...
How to identify workplace discrimination?
The Missouri Human Rights Act prohibits workplace discrimination, and those who believe they are the victims of this wrongful behavior may seek recourse through the Missouri Commission on Human Rights. However, an unpleasant work environment is not necessarily...
Every woman has a story: Sexual harassment still a pervasive problem in many workplaces
Modern workplaces continue to undergo changes that make life as a worker easier than ever before. Unfortunately, even as these advancements occur, workplaces throughout the United States remain plagued by sexual harassment. If you have been subjected to unwanted...
Most employers require newly hired employees to sign a number of forms at orientation. Some even require their employees to waive their right to bring a civil lawsuit in the future as a condition of employment. Employers accomplish this goal by including "arbitration...
The U.S. Supreme Court Expands First Amendment Protections
Our Constitution guarantees that government will make "no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech, or the press." The importance of this right cannot be overstated, as Benjamin Franklin famously said, "[w]hoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by...